
Monday, March 20, 2017

Make Your Own Rag Wreath!

These wreaths are so easy and fun to make! Scroll down for instructions  on making your own.  I also sell these in my Etsy shop. Click here to visit!

It's so Easy to Make Your Own Rag Wreath!

Here is all that you need: scissors, fabric, and a wreath form.

Cut fabric into strips approximately one inch wide by 8 inches long.


Tie the fabric strips around your wreath form with a single knot.


Add enough strips so that the wreath is full and none of the wreath form shows underneath. This is probably the hardest part, because it can be time consuming. Once your wreath is nice and full, trim off any loose strands of thread and hang (preferably indoors). Enjoy!

I also sell these on my Etsy Site. Click here for my Etsy Shop. .

I hope you enjoyed this easy craft tutorial, and were able to make something beautiful for your home. Please leave any comments or suggestions below. We love to get feedback.

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